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Ruth-Ann Rasbold

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

After Kenrick, I went to school in Tennessee and studied Special Education and Early Childhood Education. My first job out of college was working in the Massachusetts Department of Education. While that was an amazing job, after a few years I was afraid I would become a bureaucrat for life, so I sought adventure.

I moved to American Samoa (draw a line from Hawaii to New Zealand, and look just below the equator) where I worked with young children with disabilities and their families. There I had an actual South Pacific romance with Glenn Gabbard, who I have been with ever since. In 1984, after five years there (with a brief interlude in DC), we moved to the Boston area to get better medical services for our daughter.

And that's where we have been since. I worked in advocacy for children with disabilities and their families for many years, and have worked as a trainer and consultant in Head Start (remember the child preschool program from the Johnson's Great Society) for the past 15 years. Still going strong there, although I feel retirement calling.

Last July, we moved to Fairhaven on the south coast of's not a Pacific island, but we are close to the water. In addition to our daughter Megan, Glenn and I have a son Max.


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