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Halsey W. Snow, Ph.D.

Updated: May 27, 2022

"Halsey Wood Snow, if it didn't rain" From our Senior Banquet, the "roasting" list.

My Life since High School

70's: College: Villanova University, B.A. Psychology 1974

Graduate School: Boston University, Ph.D. Developmental Psychology, 1982

Met 1st wife in graduate school: Patricia Daniel, Ph.D. Married 1978 – 1992

Divorced amicably & still friends / Lived in Massachusetts for 20 years.

80's: Unemployed, 1982-1983

First (and only) “real” job: BayBanks, Inc. (Massachusetts), Training & Development Department, AVP 1984-1990

Began my exploration of metaphysical realities: Energy Healing, channeling

Met 2nd wife, Heather Wolfe R.N. RPT (ever heard the song “Third Time Lucky?”) Visited her homeland of Ireland with her twice. Separated 1994.

90's: 1994 - Moved to Maine (and loving it ever since!)

Self-Employed, Career Counselor, Energy Healer & Channel for spirit guides

Met 3rd (current) wife, Patricia Marston, married 2002, still there (ever heard the song “Third Time Lucky?” - my favorite version is the one sung by Basia on her first CD)


Living in Maine, in business with my wife: The Vywamus Foundation – an international ` metaphysical research & educational center in Falmouth, Maine, with students from the USA and ` Europe

Traveling to Europe 3x/year for 26 years (1994-2020), working in Germany, Sweden & Norway ` ( Now online

2010 Started a 2nd business, product-based: Golden Ratio Products, a specialty form of household glassware which restructures water, designed & made in Europe. We are the distributors for the USA (

2016 Closed our center and downsized the business, still working in Europe & US, out of smaller offices in Windham, Maine and online

2020 Downsized again (but still surviving) - now out of our basement and a local storage unit; still online and revitalizing both businesses.


Nature lover; gardening; kayaking; amateur rock-hound; Yoga; Opera, symphony

Metaphysical endeavors: channeling, crystal energy (including crystal-gridding bodies of water); energy healing; meditation; student & teacher of consciousness

Water & Health Educator / Sacred Geometry / Looking forward to "retiring"


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