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About Us

We are your classmates from the Class of 1970, Bishop Kenrick High School in Norristown, PA (dec.)  After the last in-person reunion - our 50+1 (September 25, 2021) - a group of us who have been meeting online for the past year or so came up with the idea of having one (or more) gatherings to celebrate "The Class of '70 Turns 70."  Well, that year and time have come and gone.  But we're still having fun getting together and yakking with each other one or more times each year.  


Since we still have 2 more years until our 55th Reunion (2025) this 70-70 Committee has decided to continue to sponsor 2 gatherings each year. One in the Spring - coming up in March of this year, and the other in September, as we have been doing for the past 2 years, early in the month, shortly after Labor Day, and at our successor school, Pope John Paul II in Royersford.  It is highly likely that the March gathering will again be at Peppers in KoP. Stay tuned for the announcement of that event, which be coming in early February.


We are building a database of information about where we are now, and are including what information we have been able to find on our deceased classmates.  In June 2022 we held a Memorial Service at St. Patrick's Cemetery to honor and bless those who have passed. 


Check our Events  & Gatherings page for dates and locations.  And THANKS to Mary (Cardamone) Place for the design of that clever & fun graphic at the top of the page.  It has become our new logo, without a doubt.



Melanie (Jaskowiak) Asay               Mary (Murphy) Budzilowicz (website) Rick (James) Cunnion, Treasurer

Liz DiCamillo                                 Dave Koch (not pictured here)           George Pinchock (publicity)

Kathleen McVeigh (Memorial)          Rosemarie (Kelly) Morris                   Michele (Ranieri) Springman

Ruth-Ann Rasbold (Database)         Halsey Snow (website)                      Marie Zollo (Memorial)

Carl Tori (Class President & Class Memorialist)                                         














If you would like to join our monthly Online Reunions, send your email address to Ruth-Ann Rasbold at  We are now meeting online the 1st Sunday of the month at 7:00 PM-EST, and at other times by request. 



For the past 50+ years since our graduation, the Reunion Committee has been planning and hosting our Class Reunions every 5 years, faithfully and very successfully.  We shower these ladies with our gratitude and praise for the terrific work they have been doing to make our recurrent reunions the enjoyable and fulfilling events they have been.  The Reunion Committee is (left to right): Ronnie (Mary) Davis McDonald, Bea Ann Manzo Piccirilli, Jane Schifflet Miller, and Janet Bruni Taylor. 




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